I miss my mother-
I miss her lovely smile,
with the dripping eyes…
I miss my mother-
I miss her lovely smile,
with the dripping eyes…
my day lingers long
since you have been gone, having
sighed your furthest song
did you know
that you lied?
Did you know-
what they know-
is a lie?
Did you know
that you died that day-
That day mom lied,
And you cried,
when she lied-
and she died.
did you know-
that they lied?
The lie they lied,
when they bit your pride
and made you decide
that life was now denied
because your soulmate died?
But let ‘they’ ride
to that negative upside
because you should know-
You should know, daddy-
That they lied that day
Giving up that day,
Lying down that day
That day; I cried-
When you died-
And you lied…